"The Sérénade lointaine is a typical work of Belle Époque Paris, and already allowed us to appreciate some of the virtues of the performers, the impeccable tuning and the unity of the ensemble in tempi and dynamics...There are few quartets that have been together for so many years, that have created their own sound, and that are perfectly capable of sounding as if they were an ensemble or as a single instrument...The applause was very abundant, there was a standing ovation, and I think that many of us present were aware that listening to the Fine Arts Quartet is a privilege that probably cannot be enjoyed much more, at least with its current members." (Beatriz López Suevos, Mundoclasico, 11 de septiembre de 2023)
"La Sérénade lointaine es una obra típica del París de la Belle Époque, y permitió ya apreciar algunas de las virtudes de los intérpretes, la afinación impecable y la unidad del conjunto en tempi y dinámicas...Ya son pocos los cuartetos que llevan tantos años juntos, que han creado un sonido propio, y que son perfectamente capaces de sonar como si fueran un conjunto o como un único instrumento...Los aplausos fueron muy abundantes, hubo standing ovation, y creo que muchos de los presentes fuimos conscientes de que escuchar al Cuarteto Fine Arts es un privilegio del que probablemente ya no se pueda disfrutar mucho más, por lo menos con sus actuales componentes." (Beatriz López Suevos, Mundoclasico, 11 de septiembre de 2023) https://www.mundoclasico.com/articulo/39701/El-joven-Enescu-por-un-cuarteto-comme-il-faut
"The [Enescu's] four-part Quintet from 1896, expressive in terms of moods, diverse in terms of expression and drama...was very well performed by the artists...Everything was performed carefully and sensitively...Romanian Rhapsody is all about having fun. And that's how it was here - both the performers and the audience had fun." (Oskar, Klasyczna Plytoteka, Sept 2, 2023)