
"...Di ciò chiaramente si coglieva talora qualche spunto nelle esecuzioni dell’insigne quartetto americano che ha eseguito i quartetti op.13 ed
op.44 n.2, seguiti da un graditissimo fatato bis. Sonorità screziate e plastiche al contempo, nel dialogo fortemente serrato e coeso tra i
singoli strumentisti, hanno dato al pubblico emozioni quasi sinfoniche."

(Massimo Lo Iacono,, 20 luglio 2009)

Orford, Canada

"L’une des rares visites du Quatuor Fine Arts au pays nous a donné droit à un excellent concert, vendredi soir dernier, à Orford. Le quatuor existe depuis cinquante ans et reste un des rares quatuors qui parcourt le monde entier depuis aussi longtemps...Tout était merveilleusement en place, des phrasés explosifs, des diminuendi à en couper le souffle, du grand raffinement."

(Pier Carlo Liva, côté, 30 juin 2009)

Schloss Bühlerhöhe (Bühl)

"ENSEMBLE GLÄNZT MIT GENAU AUSBALANCIERTEM KLANGBILD/ GROSSE INTERNATIONALE KONZERTERFAHRUNG (Überschrift)...Das Fine Arts Quartett aus den USA, exzellent aufeinander abgestimmter Klangkörper seit nunmehr 60 Jahren, erfreute mit seinem Konzert...die zahlreichen Besucher."

(Badisches Tagblatt, 20. März 2009)

Schloss Bühlerhöhe (Bühl)

"INTERPRETATION IS BIS IN DIE FEINSTEN NUANCEN STIMMIG. DAS FINE ARTS QUARTETT GEHORT ZUR ABSOLUTEN WELTSPITZE DER KAMMERMUSIK (Überschrift)...Selbstverständlich verfügen alle fünf Streicher über eine perfekte Spieltechnik und eine ganz mühelos wirkende Virtuosität. Das Faszinierende an ihrem Musizieren ist aber die schier unglaubliche klangliche und dynamische Homogenität, die ihre Interpretationen aufweisen."

(Karl-Heinz Fischer, Badische Neueste Nachrichten, 20. März 2009)

Palm Beach, FL

"The Fine Arts String Quartet received a standing ovation Sunday at The Society of the Four Arts, not because it played a program of guaranteed crowd pleasers, but because the carefully chosen lesser known works were played with elegance and style...The group plays with tight ensemble, razor-sharp rhythm and flawless balance...The Fine Arts String Quartet gave it [Shostakovich Quartet No.7] a spectacular performance...The Fine Arts String Quartet gave it [Grieg Quartet] a magnificent performance. The audience reaction was immediate and enthusiastic."

(Joseph Youngblood, Palm Beach Daily News, March 10, 2009)

Palm Beach, FL

"The auditorium at Palm Beach’s Society of the Four Arts, was the perfect acoustical venue for Sunday’s concert by these superb players...The Fine Arts ensemble drew forth a silky sound that was never forced, classically restrained, and perfectly blended together... It was a bold move to schedule Grieg’s only completed, but infrequently heard, String Quartet...The Fine Arts embraced all of its best qualities with full conviction...This ensemble...continues to rank among the best chamber groups performing today."

(Alan Becker, South Florida Classical Review, March 09, 2009)  Full Review

Columbus, OH

"Chamber Music Columbus presented an impressive example of artistic mastery last night with the Fine Arts Quartet at the Southern Theatre...The players' technical skills are first-rate, their performance flawless and well-balanced...They played with richness and drama, drawing the beauty out of every melodic line and balancing it with the underlying counterpoint. They ventured boldly into Romantic intensity with a sound full of soaring harmonics."

(Columbus Dispatch, February 1, 2009)

Washington, D.C.

"On Sunday evening at the National Gallery of Art as part of the "Mendelssohn on the Mall" festival, the estimable Fine Arts Quartet put some of the early advanced explorations in high relief...Due to its long history, the Fine Arts Quartet is one of the gold-plated names in chamber music. In its suave and elegant account, Mendelssohn's String Quartet Op. 12 emerged as a direct successor to the late string quartets of Beethoven."

(Daniel Ginsberg, Washington Post, January 27, 2009)  Full review

Washington, D.C.

"Last weekend, the latter venue [the National Gallery of Art]...hosted an exquisite concert by the Fine Arts Quartet in front of a full house...The Fine Arts Quartet’s gentle use of vibrato and carefully synchronized bow control was well suited to the wet acoustic of the West Garden Court. Furthermore, their statuesque demeanor allowed the music to flow through the performers as vessels. The people listening most intently in the room last Sunday were indeed the performers, whose intonation, tempos (fast notes never seemed fast) and ensemble were on par with the about-to-retire Guarneri Quartet...We hope to see the Fine Arts Quartet in the Washington area more frequently."

(Michael Lodico, Ionarts, January 27, 2009)  Full review

Festival de San Miguel de Allende (Mexico)

"El virtuosismo y el talento indiscutible del Fine Arts Quartet, de Estados Unidos, se volvió a vivir en el Teatro Angela Peralta de esta localidad, donde ejecutaron piezas de Felix Mendelssohn y Camille St. Saens. En el marco del Festival de San Miguel de Allende, que se realiza aquí del 19 al 31 de diciembre y que reúne a destacados artistas de la música de cámara, el ensamble estadounidense cautivó de nueva cuenta al público asistente....Obra en la que los integrantes del ensamble, nuevamente conquistaron al respetable, no sólo por su magnífica ejecución, sino por la selección del repertorio, que le valió varias ovaciones durante la velada."

(, 22-diciembre-2008)

Leeds, UK

"Review: Fine Arts Quartet **** Rachmaninov's rarely performed First String Quartet...was performed by the legendary Fine Arts Quartet...Shostakovich's Eighth Quartet, composed to "the victims of fascism and war", found them tearing into the frenetic second movement with total abandonment, but it was their creation of the work's chilling feeling of desolation that was the memorable aspect."

(David Denton, Yorkshire Post, 19th October 2008)  Full review

Cannes (Nuits musicales du Suquet)

"Sans parler des qualités personnelles de chacun d'entre eux [Fine Arts Quartet]: technique magnifique, son riche et jamais forcé, justesse irréprochable, c'est l'évident naturel et la précision avec lesquels la musique coule, l'empathie avec les oeuvres qui subjuguent."

(La Lettre du Musicien, première quinzaine d'octobre 2008, no 362)


"Saturday evening we listened to a great concert...The Fine Arts Quartet played impeccably, with a pure and smooth sound, a real delight for the listener! Brilliant individual playing, long partnership, humilty, devotion to music: without question they are all ingredients that can be found in the Fine Arts Quartet. At the end of the concert they also played two encores, precious gifts of their art."

(Classicconcerts.blogspot, 29 settembre 2008)


"The highlight of the initiative was the involvement of the Fine Arts Quartet, one of the world's longest-standing and most renowned chamber-music groups. The American ensemble fascinated the audience with its sheer class, presenting a programme that ranged from Tchakovsky...and included Shostakovich. This wonderful evening marked the start of the long series of events organised by the Fondazione Stradivari." "Fiore all'occhiello dell'iniiziativa è stata la presenza a Cremona del Fine Arts Quartet, uno dei complessi cameristici più longevi e blasonati a livello mondiale. L'ensemble statunitense ha affascinato il pubblico con la sua immensa classe interpretativa..."

(Cremona Liutaria, anno 9 - 2008 No. 2)

Luberon Festival de Quatuors à cordes

"LE QUATUOR FINE ARTS TOUJOURS AU ZENITH (titres)...Considéré comme l'une des meilleures formations de musique de chambre au monde, le Quatuor américain FINE ARTS ne manque jamais de faire une halte dans le Luberon, lors de ses tournées européennes. On ne pouvait que s'en réjouir en admirant à Silvacane la superbe maîtrise qu'il affiche d'abord dans le Quatuor n° 1 de Haydn. On changeait de tonalités à l'écoute des deux seuls mouvements du 1er Quatuor de Rachmaninov. Sa Romance qui privilégie l'expressivité du chant teinté d'une tendre nostalgie avant que la grâce et la fraîcheur qui imprègnent le Scherzo ne trouvent leurs plus belles formes."

(Claude Taelman, La Provence, 19 Août 2008)

Festival aux Chandelles

"Fondé en 1946, le Fine Arts Quartet...est riche d'une histoire prestigieuse et d'une tradition héritée du légendaire Quatuor de Budapest...Les quatre musiciens atteignent des sommets d'émotion..."

(Les Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace, 19 Août 2008)  Full review


"STANDING OVATION POUR LE FINE ARTS QUARTETT ET JEAN-LUC VOTANO, À L'AUDITORIUM (titres)...Le temps s'est arrêté, jeudi soir, à l'auditorium du conservatoire, l'espace d'un merveilleux moment offert au public de Clef de soleil par le Fine Arts Quartett, Jean-Luc Votano... et le divin Mozart !...une très nombreuse assistance était présente pour écouter le prestigieux quatuor à cordes américain..."

(La Voix du Nord, 03.08.2008)

Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival

"GRANDIOSER AUFTAKT ZUM SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN MUSIK FESTIVAL (SHMF); FINE ARTS QUARTET SETZTE MAßSTÄBE (Überschrift)...Hochkarätiger geht nicht: Ralph Evans und Efim Boico, Chauncey Patterson und Wolfgang Laufer, bilden derzeit das Fine Arts Quartet, das bereits 1946 gegründet wurde und bis heute unverändert weltweit als eines der besten Streich­quar­tetts und somit als Maßstab gilt. Dem diesjährigen SHMF-Länderschwer­punkt getreu, servierten die „Weltmeister“ ihres Genres Streich­quar­tette von Rachmaninoff, Schos­takowitsch und Tschaikowsky...Hier sind wahre Meister am Werk."

(RZ Kultur, 15.07.2008)

Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival

"Sie sehen aus wie Gentlemen, und auch ihre Spielkultur trägt alle Züge feinster Noblesse: Stil, Eleganz, Klasse, Ausstrahlung. Die vier Herren des Fine Arts Quartet sind die Meister der hohen Kunst des Quartettspiels."

(Partout, das Kulturmagazin Online, 07.2008)