"The Fine Arts Quartet sounds (not surprisingly) like it is playing a masterful string quartet. I can’t imagine a better rendition of these late-19th-century arrangements." (Michael Ullman, Fanfare, July 2024)
"Das Fine Arts Quartet und Alon Goldstein setzen die Einspielung der Mozart-Konzerte in Transkriptionen von Ignaz Lachner fort. In diesen Interpretationen wird in bester Mozart-Tradition gespielt. Die Interpreten bleiben sich selber treu und vertreten ihren Mozart-Stil auf schönste Weise, melodisch, hell im Klang, federnd in der Artikulation und mit dem nötigen Drive, aber auch gefühlvoll, wo es angebracht ist. Die beiden Konzerte gelingen ihnen mit wunderbarer Ausgeglichenheit, und sie präsentieren einen durchgehend schönen Mozart, farbenfroh, stimmig in der Balance und spieltechnisch einwandfrei." (Norbert Tischer, Pizzicato, 18 Dec 2023)
The Fine Arts Quartet and Alon Goldstein continue their recording of Mozart concertos in transcriptions by Ignaz Lachner. These interpretations are played in the best Mozart tradition. The performers remain true to themselves and represent their Mozart style in the most beautiful way, melodic, bright in sound, bouncy in articulation and with the necessary drive, but also sensitive where appropriate. The two performances have a wonderful balance, and they present a consistently beautiful Mozart, colorful, harmonious and technically flawless."
(Norbert Tischer, Pizzicato, 18 Dec 2023)
"Kendetegnende for denne nye, fjerde udgivelse i “rækken” er en virtuost moden tilgang til materialet såvel som instrumenterne. Alle musikere – solist såvel som kvartet – fremstår ekvilibristiske, i stand til at håndtere både hurtige og rolige passager på en måde, der får lytteren til at føle sig taget ved hånden og ledt ind i værkernes fine facetter. Især forekommer klaverkoncert nr. 25 mig at være formfuldendt i Goldsteins og Fine Art Quartets udgave. 2. og 3. sats er urimeligt smukke størrelser, som på enhver måde aftvinger respekt." (Ivan Rod, December 2023)
"Characteristic of this new, fourth release in the "series" is a virtuosically mature approach to the material as well as the instruments. All musicians – soloist as well as quartet – appear balanced, able to handle both fast and calm passages in a way that makes the listener feel taken by the hand and led into the fine facets of the works. In particular, Piano Concerto No. 25 seems to me to be fully formed in Goldstein's and the Fine Art Quartet's version. The 2nd and 3rd movement are unreasonably beautiful sizes that command respect in every way." (Ivan Rod, December 2023)
★★★★"On ne saurait trop tarir d’éloges sur la redécouverte des arrangements d’Ignaz Lachner (1807-1895) des concertos pour piano de Mozart avec orchestre réduit à un quatuor et à une contrebasse. ...Goldstein et les Fine Arts ont déjà enregistré pour Naxos les Concertos nos 9, 17, 20, 21, 23 et 24. Notre enthousiasme à la découverte, notamment, des Concertos nos 9 et 17 en 2021 se transpose pleinement ici, notamment dans le 19e Concerto, qui se prête si parfaitement à l’exercice...Ce disque est à nouveau un tel ravissement que voici bien une discipline qu’on aimerait vivre au concert." (Christophe Huss, Le Devoir, 26 janvier 2024)
★★★★"We cannot praise enough the rediscovery of Ignaz Lachner’s (1807-1895) arrangements of Mozart’s piano concertos with an orchestra reduced to a quartet and a double bass...Goldstein and Fine Arts have already recorded for Naxos the Concertos 9,17,20,21,23 and 24. Our enthusiasm for discovering, in particular, Concertos 9 and 17 is fully transposed here, particularly in the 19 Concerto, which lends itself so perfectly to the exercise...This disc is once again such a delight that here is indeed a discipline that we would like to experience in concert." (Christophe Huss, Actual News Magazine, January 26, 2024)
"Those who listen to this release...will be rewarded by some richly melodic music abounding in expression, energy, and emotion... For those who love the Mozart piano concertos – and I doubt there are many classical music lovers who do not – this recording will not only prove rewarding in its own right, but it will complement and enhance other recordings of these concertos. Highly recommended." (Karl Nehring, Classical Candor, January, 2024)